Organisation M introduced the Mind Strength programme to support its Human Resources (HR) team following a demanding year of managing stress and navigating significant growth and operational changes within the company. This case study explores the implementation, results, and evaluation of this initiative.
Background and Objectives
The Mind Strength programme was implemented at Organisation M to enhance resilience amidst a busy and transformative period of organisational growth.
The objectives were to:
- Build capability within the HR team and promote personal wellbeing by improving resilience and stress management.
- Provide a focused intervention (Stages 1 & 2 of Mind Strength for Professionals) with optional progressive modules (Stages 3-7 of Mind Strength for Professional) for motivated participants to further develop their skills.
- Utilise the HR rollout as a proof of concept to robustly evaluate its impact and potential future value to Organisation M.
The Mind Strength for Professionals programme is a 7-week programme through which participants gain a complete psychology-based toolkit of practical tools and techniques that include stronger cognitive skills, the ability to remain calm and effective under pressure, enhanced collaborative relationships, and the ability to be highly resilient in the face of challenge and stress. It was delivered through a combination of self-led online skills-build learning, accessed via the Mind Strength secure portal, and individual coaching sessions.
- 16 volunteers from the global HR team participated.
- 9 of these self-selected to progress to Stages 3–7 and complete the full programme.
- Coaching support sessions in Stages 1 and 2 were delivered on an individual basis to maintain confidentiality and to encourage openness.
- For Stages 3–7, participants were placed in two groups (of 4 and 5 participants) based on time zones. Participants were spread over 4 continents.
- Participants were well briefed in advance using live onboarding sessions and opportunity for Q&A with the programme Psychologist.
- Participants were allowed ‘protected time’ during working hours to participate in the programme.
- It was mandatory to complete the online learning aspect of the stage before attending the group support session.
- Weekly feedback and attendance were sent to the Head of HR.
Results and Evaluation
Programme Effectiveness – Quantitative Measures
Individuals completed Psychometric assessments that measured resilience, stress levels, and mental wellbeing, at the start and end of the programme. As well as providing a useful baseline tool and feedback, psychometric assessment are an informative measure of change over the 7 weeks.
The percentage of participants that improved in each measure over the course of the programme is:

The significant improvements on these evidence-based measures demonstrates how effective the Mind Strength programme has been for the HR team.
Benefits for individuals and how the programme has impacted them personally is important, but so are the benefits to the organisation as you can see from what we heard from those on the programme:
- 100% of participants reported their productivity has improved since completing the programme
- 100% reported they are happier at work since completing the programme
- 100% reported they are more likely to stay at their organisation since completing the programme.
Programme Effectiveness – Qualitative Measures
Participants reported transformative experiences due to the programme:
- New stress-reduction techniques.
- Increased awareness, focus, and motivation.
- Improved goal setting, organisation, and prioritisation at work.
- Improvements in handling stressful situations and decision-making.
Participants described their experiences of the programme.
“At Mind strength I learned how to keep focus during stressful situations. Before I would get angry and focused on the person who was negatively impacting me. Now I have tools to calm down, analyse the situation in a more realistic way, and approach the situation in a very professional way. It has been improving my relationships and my productivity at work.”
“Mind Strength has helped me to stop feeling overwhelmed when the demands at work pull me in all directions. My mind used to go blank, but I learnt to take a pause to get some head space, and come back to it with a clear mind and ready to tackle the priorities.”
“I’m in charge of my thoughts, feelings and activities… This is particularly useful because I can take charge of how I think, react or feel in circumstances that are especially out of my control.”
The programme has “helped manage my stress much better and ensured I look after my wellbeing in the process.”
The Mind Strength programme at Organisation M successfully equipped its HR team with essential tools for managing stress, enhancing resilience, and fostering personal development. Positive feedback and concrete improvements underscore its effectiveness in supporting employee wellbeing and professional growth. Organisation M may consider expanding similar initiatives across the organisation to promote a culture of resilience and proactive mental health management.